Monday 2 September 2013

Easy Feed


  1. Great concept! Love how you have solved multiple problems e.g, bending for those with back pain, portion size, shipping stackability ect. Prehaps wheels could make it easier to get the packaging from the storage location to the food bowl. Your poster are really nice also, nice and easy to read and really aesthetically appealing.

  2. Interesting mechanism to how the dispenser works. comments were made on the twisting of the wrist when inverting the product. suggestion in changes as well as narrowing the neck of better use for athritis users

  3. love the revised design, Christine! The new mechanism to operate minimises the distance by which the user has to bend down which is an added bonus! The only thing that could use some further consideration is the twisting motion required to operate the dispenser, as they are old people using it, they may have dexterity issues :)

  4. i think your design is a great solution for the problems you outlined. the mechanism looks really easy to use especially for your targeted market. for improvement, itll be great to have some sort of funnel on the bottom so the food doesnt go all over the floor.

  5. Really like the design Christine. Having had a dog and buying the larger bags of dry food, this is a much simpler, easier and efficient approach. The pull and lift action of the release handle is easy enough to use, particularly those who are elderly. I would be interested to see how it can be disposed of at its end of life. Is it possible to keep the internal mechanism and simply buy a next box?
